Greyhound (VR Enabled Cocktail**)

This is a super simple Spring/Summer cocktail. They key with any cocktail that is mostly juice is to do the hard work of juicing. There are juicers that can handle a grapefruit, but my best practice is just doing it by hand. Don’t use juice from a jug, no matter how “no artificial ingredients added” it says it is!

2 oz Vodka or Gin

4 oz Fresh Grapefruit Juice (juicing these sucks, so I use this bottle)

Lemon or Lime for garnish

Combine everything in a High Ball glass

Add ice and stir 15-30 seconds till chilled

Garnish with Lemon or Lime

Drop in your straw and put on your VR headset


**VR Enabled means you drink this with a straw

Source: MasterClass Greyhound Recipe